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Computer Setup

PCRecruiter is a web-based system, but does require some basics on your own computer. If you have not already done so, you’ll need to install these three items:

  1. A current web browser. PCRecruiter is tested for Google Chrome, but also works in Microsoft Edge and Safari.
  2. The Java Runtime Engine, which allows the PCR Launcher to communicate between the browser and other system software. Windows users can use either of the downloads below. Mac users should choose the Amazon link.
    • Amazon Corretto JRE Download (Mac/Windows)
      • Windows users should download the Windows x64 JDK or x32 JDK file from this page, depending on their Windows version. You can check whether you are on a 64-bit or 32-bit computer under Settings > System > About. Look at the “System type” under Device specifications.
    • Oracle JRE Download (Oracle Java for Windows)
  3. The PCRecruiter Launcher. This is a small application for Windows (also available as a .zip) or Mac that bridges the gap between the web-based PCRecruiter and your desktop system for things like editing resumes and popping up alarms.

The PCRecruiter Launcher will automatically prompt you whenever a new update is available. Choose “Allow” on these updates as they appear.