Approving Timesheets

An Approver is required for all submitted Timesheets

Without Approver Login #

When a Contractor submits their Timesheet, an email will automatically be triggered to the Approvers. From that email the Approver can click a link to approve.

  1. The Approver will automatically receive an email when the Contractor has submitted their hours
  2. They will select the “Approve Hours for Contractor Name link
  3. The Approver will enter their initials and choose to Approve Hours or Do Not Approve Hours
  4. Click the Approve or Do Not Approve button to save the Timesheet

With Approver Login #

If an Approver has multiple Contractors, they may choose to login and approve all the hours at once. To do this, they will need their email address and password as well as the Contract hours link.

  1. Be sure the Approver has access to the appropriate URL either via your website or an email containing the link
  2. Provide the Approver with Login Credentials (The Password can be found in the Identification field on their Name Record)
  3. Approver accesses the link and logs in accordingly
  4. Click Approve Contractor Hours
  5. Choose the Pay Period
  6. Click Go
  7. Choose the Timesheet to be approved
  8. The Approver will enter their initials and choose to Approve Hours or Do Not Approve Hours
  9. Click the Approve or Do Not Approve button to save the Timesheet