The Custom Company Report provides the highest level of flexibility when you require a blend of predefined and custom company-specific field data. With this report, you can not only select the fields you require but also determine the order in which these fields appear once the report is exported.

Creating a Custom Company Report #

  1. Click on “Reports” in the main menu.
  2. Click on the “Manage Custom Reports” action icon.
  3. Choose the “Custom Company Reports” tab.
  4. Click “Add.”
  5. In the Custom Company Report Header section, replace [[Report Title]] with a name for the report.
  6. In the “Body Rows” section, click in the first cell and choose the field to populate that cell.
  7. Continue left to right, then to the next row to select up to 24 fields.
  8. When you select a field, the field name populates the “Header Row” cells. In the Header Rows section, you can edit the cell by replacing with your preferred text to describe the contents.
  9. Use the Field Groups section to include a list of the unique values for the selected field and a count of the number of records with the unique value. For example, in this area you can select State field to show a breakdown of the number of records included in the report for each unique state.
  10. Use the Totals area to include a count of how many records contain data in the selected field. For example, you can include Company Name to count the number of companies included in the report since all companies have a value.
  11. Once all selections are made, click Save. When you reload the Reports menu, this report can be listed in the Company Reports section.

Generating a Custom Company Report #

  1. Access the “Reports” section.
  2. Navigate to “Company Reports.”
  3. Choose the specific report by clicking on its name.
  4. Limit your report by either Name Rollup or Date Entered.
  5. Use the Order By dropdown to select the field for sorting, and specify whether it should be in ascending or descending order.
  6. Access the action menu and opt for your desired export format (Note: Export options beyond PDF View Mode depend on your Export Reports security settings).