Listing Contractors

List All Contractors/Temps #

This option shows all name records who are currently listed as Contractors in your database. It will also provide the following details of the assignment:

  • Candidates Full Name
  • Contractor Status
  • Begin and End Dates if currently on assignment
  • Company and Position currently on assignment for
  • Bill/Pay Rate
  • Per Diem
  • Markup
  • Percent
  • Comments

To access this information, do the following:

  1. Select Contract from the Main Toolbar
  2. Choose All from the Navigation Toolbar
  3. Select the appropriate filtering options. Filtering options include Date, Last Name, Rollup List, and/or Username
  4. Click Search to view a detailed list of all contractors.

List Contractors on Assignment #

This search option provides the ability to list all contractors with a status of “On Assignment” or “Possible.”

  1. Click the Contract button from the Main Toolbar
  2. Select Assigned from the Navigation Toolbar
  3. Select the appropriate filtering options. Filtering options include Date, Last Name, Assigned Company Name, Rollup List or Username.
  4. Click Search. The resulting list will show the Contractors Name, Status, Title of assignment, Begin and End Dates, Company they are assigned to, Bill/Pay Rate, Per Diem, Markup, Percent, and Comments.
  5. If you would like the results exported to a CSV select the “Save To File” checkbox before selecting Search.

From this screen you can also click “Show Current Contractor Location” to see a map of current locations of all Contractors that are On Assignment based on their last Clock In/Out Location

List Contractors Coming Off Assignment #

This search gives you the ability to view Contractors who will be coming off an assignment as well as currently available contractors.

  1. Select Contract from the main toolbar
  2. Choose Available
  3. Specify the number of days until the assignment ends
  4. Choose your Option
    1. Contractors Placed on Assignment will show the candidates who are coming off an assignment and will be available in the number of days specified
    2. New Contractors Becoming Available will show the candidates coming off an assignment, plus all available contract candidates
  5. Select additional filtering options in addition to specifying the number of days until the assignment ends. You can also filter by Last Name, Assigned Company Name, Rollup List, or Username the placement was written by