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Configuring Timesheets

It is recommended to work with a PCRecruiter Consultant for your initial Timesheet setup to ensure a clear understanding of the process and proper configuration.

Timesheets are essential for effective time tracking and expense management. The PCRecruiter Timesheets function allows for the collection of working hours and expenses for contractors assigned to contract/temp positions. Key setup areas include:

  • User security to manage timesheet access and permissions
  • Customization of the contract/temp placement screen to include fields required to support timesheets
  • Timesheet defaults, which control what defaults to the timesheet-related fields of the contract/temp assignment, reducing manual adjustments for each placement

By configuring these elements, you’ll ensure that timesheet management aligns with your company’s processes, allowing for seamless time tracking, expense management, and reporting.

Timesheet User Security #

This section explains how a PCRecruiter System Administrator can restrict a user’s ability to view or edit Timesheets using the Timesheets security setting. To change this setting for a user, follow these steps:

  1. Click System from the Main Toolbar
  2. Click Users
  3. Click Manage Users
  4. From the list of users displayed, select the user for whom you want to modify security settings.
  5. Click Security on the navigation menu at the bottom left.
  6. Scroll down the Security page to find the Other section.
  7. Locate the Timesheets security in the list. 
  8. Select the appropriate level of security for Timesheets. You have five options to choose from:
    • Full Permission: The user can add, edit, and delete timesheets.
    • No Permission: The user does not have access to view any timesheets.
    • Add, Save: The user can add and edit timesheets but cannot delete them.
    • Add Only: The user can add timesheets but does not have the ability to edit or delete them.
    • Read Only: The user can only view timesheets submitted by contractors or other users, with no ability to add, edit, or delete any timesheets.
  9. Click Save.

Customizing Contract/Temp Placement Layout for Timesheet Fields #

This section outlines how to customize the Contract/Temp Placement layout to include the necessary fields for timesheet management, ensuring all required information is captured. Note that you must have at least one Contract/Temp Placement record created to edit the layout.

  1. Go to a Position record that has a Contract/Temp Placement.
  2. Click Placements.
  3. Click the Date to open the Contract/Temp Placement record.
  4. Click the Customize icon at the bottom left of the record.
  5. Using Field Groups select the fields to include in your layout:
    • Placement Date, Start Date, and End Date: These specify when the assignment begins and ends, controlling the contractor’s ability to submit timesheets. Contractors cannot add new timesheets once off assignment.
    • Pay Rate and Bill Rate: Include fields for Overtime, On Call, Holiday, and Double Time if needed. These amounts carry over to the timesheet, controlling payment and billing.
    • Pay Period: Indicates how often the contractor is paid. Changing this after a timesheet is created can misalign the days for that period.
    • Pay Period Start Day: Defines the start day of the week for the timesheet (typically Sunday or Monday). Changing this after a timesheet is created can also cause misalignment.
    • Show Timeclock: This setting controls whether daily hours are entered as total hours (e.g., 8) or as specific start, break, and end times (e.g., 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM).
    • Approver List: Allows selection of the person who will approve timesheets. You can select a PCR Name record or add an email address for approvers.
    • Overtime Double Time Zone: Automatically calculates overtime/double time based on the selected US State or Canadian Province. Options for Overtime Exempt and US Federal Overtime Standard are also available.
    • Optional Fields: Include Per Diem Daily, Per Diem Hourly, Burden Rate, Burden State, and PO Number if needed.
  6. Once the fields are selected, you can click the icon to the right of a field layout and choose to make the field Read Only (to prevent editing) or Required.
  7. If you will be collecting expenses from contractors, select Add Group, then choose Shortcut Displays Large Frame. This will add a new section at the bottom of the layout. Use the dropdown at the top left of the frame to select Predefined: Expenses.
  8. Click Save. You can copy your placement layout to other users in System > Users > Copy User Settings.

Configuring Timesheet Defaults #

This section details the settings that control timesheets. Some settings serve as defaults for specific fields when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, while others are universal settings that apply to all timesheets.

  1. Select System from the Main Toolbar.
  2. Click Timesheets.
  3. Click Timesheet Defaults.
  4. Under the Settings heading, adjust as needed. Some settings control default values when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, while underlined items can be modified for each assignment.
    • Default Start Day: This is a default value you choose to specify the day of the week when each timesheet begins. The selected value is automatically applied when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, reducing the need for manual adjustments. However, changing it later may cause misalignment when viewing timesheets.
    • Default Ending Day for Lists: The end day that appears in dropdowns when running reports and viewing hours.
    • Auto Change Status When Assignment Expires: Changes the Status on the name record to Contractor/Temp once the End Date has passed.
    • Default Pay Period: This setting controls the each timesheet (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) The selected value is automatically applied when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, reducing the need for manual adjustments.
    • Require Initials: Requires the Contractor and Approver to enter initials when submitting or approving a timesheet.
    • Notification Return Email Address: This is the email address that will receive replies if a Contractor or Approver responds to an automated email. It should match the email defined in System > Email Setup > Outgoing Mail Settings, as most mail servers do not permit replies to be sent to a different address.
    • Burden State: Select a Burden State for the burden rate if desired. The selected value is automatically applied when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, reducing the need for manual adjustments.
    • Burden Rate: Enter the burden rate. The selected value is automatically applied when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, reducing the need for manual adjustments.
    • Limit Approver By Email Address: Limits an Approver to see only their Contractors when logged in (if other Contractors are on assignment at the same company).
    • Prohibit Timesheet Edits After Approval: Dictates whether any changes can be made to the timesheet after it has been approved.
    • Allow Approver to Edit Timesheet: Allows approvers to make changes to any timesheets before approving.
    • Disable Third Shift: This setting prevents contractors from clocking in or out after midnight. As a result, the time clock dropdowns will not display times for the next day after midnight.
    • Overtime/Double Time Zone: Dictates the State or Province used for calculating overtime and double time. The selected value is automatically applied when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, reducing the need for manual adjustments.
  5. Under the Show/Hide Fields heading, adjust the settings as needed. These settings apply universally to all timesheets. When toggled to “Show,” the following Assignment Details will be visible to the Contractor and Approver while viewing the timesheet. If placing contractors in states or provinces that require adherence to Overtime and Double Time rules, ensure these Overtime Column and Double Column are set to “Show.”
    • Overtime Column: Overtime hours worked, which are automatically calculated based on Overtime/Double Time Zone selected.
    • Holiday Column: Holiday hours worked.
    • Vacation Column: Vacation hours used.
    • On Call Column: On Call hours worked.
    • Double Column: Hours worked at Double Time, which are automatically calculated based on Overtime/Double Time Zone selected.
    • Sick Column: Sick hours used.
    • Assignment ID: Position ID.
    • Customer Name: Company Name
    • Begin Date: Date the contract begins.
    • End Date: Date the contract ends.
    • User Name: User Name who placed the Contractor on Assignment.
    • Expenses: Dictates if expenses can be added. Requires Expenses configuration and selection in the Contract/Temp Placement record.
    • Date: Controls how date selection works when viewing timesheets, preventing Contractors from seeing future or previous dates.
    • Timeclock: This setting determines whether daily hours are entered as total hours (e.g., 8) or as specific start, break, and end times (e.g., 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM). If you prefer to collect only total hours without specific time entries, select Hide. The selected value is automatically applied when adding a Contract/Temp Placement, reducing the need for manual adjustments.
    • Breaks: Dictates the number of breaks a contractor is allowed (0-3).
  6. Under the Print Options, adjust settings as needed. These settings apply to all timesheets. When toggled to “Show,” the following will be displayed when viewing a print version of a timesheet:
    • User Name: User who placed the Contractor on Assignment.
    • Assignment Name: Job Title.
    • Begin Date: Date the Contractor begins.
    • Notes/History: Submittal and approval tracking by Contractor or Approver.
    • Print Title: Manually enter a title to appear at the top of your print screen.
  7. Click Save.