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Contract/Temp Placements (New Pipeline)

There are two options for accessing the Placement screen to Place your Contractor on Assignment. Both of these screens are accessed by first going to the Position you will be Placing them on Assignment for:

From the Placements tab: #

  1. Select the Position you will be making the Placement for
  2. Click Placements from the Navigation Toolbar
  3. Click Add Contract/Temp Placement from the Action Toolbar

From the Pipeline #

This method allows for adding multiple Contractors on Assignment at once.

  1. Select the Position you will be making the Placement for
  2. Click Pipeline from the Navigation Toolbar
  3. Select the record(s) you wish to Place
  4. Click Add Contract/Temp Placement from the Action Menu

Once you have accessed the Placement screen via either of these options you will need to complete the details.

Placement Details #
  • Name: Click the popup selector to the right of this field to display a list of all Candidates in the Pipeline to Place. You can also use the search box to search your entire database. This will search by Last Name, First Name
  • Placed By: The default is the current user that is logged in but by clicking the popup selector to the right of the field you can select another user to be credited for the placement (If you are using Splitdesk, this is the username that will receive 100% credit unless edited)
  • Placement Type: This field can be used to specify a placement in PCRecruiter using placement codes
  • Start Date: Use the calendar picker to choose the Start date/time for this Assignment. The default is the current date
  • End Date: Use the calendar picker to choose the End Date/Time for this Assignment, or leave it open ended by choosing No End Date. The default is No End Date.
  • Arranged Date/Time: Select when this Assignment was arranged via the Calendar Picker
  • Guarantee: This field is used to put details about the guarantee
  • Mark Position as Filled: This field will allow the number of openings to decrease on the position record. When this number reaches zero it will close out the job by marking the status as ‘Filled’
Fee/Pay Details #
  • Default Currency: Select the type of currency used for the Assignment
  • Placement Fee: This field will allow you to put in the placement fee
  • Fee Percentage: This field will allow you to put in the fee percentage
  • Per Diem Daily: This field will allow you to enter in the contractor’s daily allowance for living expenses
  • Per Diem Hourly: This field will allow you to enter in the contractor’s hourly allowance for living expenses
  • Burden State: This field will allow you put the state in which the contractor is working to automatically calculate that state’s burden rate
  • Burden Rate: This field will allow you put in the burden rate for this contractor position
  • Bill/Pay Rate: These fields will allow you to put in the contractor’s Bill and Pay rate. It is broken down into Standard, Overtime, On Call, Holiday, and Double Time.
Scheduling #
  • Candidate Schedule: The upper portion of this window will mark items on your calendar to reach out to the Contractor. Options range from 30 days prior to the start date of the Contractor up until one year after the start date. Three clock dropdowns will give the choice as to when these items will be placed on your schedule. The first is for items placed before the start date. The second is designed for the start date while the third is meant for items only after the start date.
  • Position Contact Schedule: The lower portion of this window will mark items on your calendar to reach out to the Contact on the Position. Options range from 30 days prior to the start date of the Contractor up until one year after the start date. Three clock dropdowns will give the choice as to when these items will be placed on your schedule. The first is for items placed before the start date. The second is designed for the start date while the third is meant for items only after the start date.
Timesheet Settings #
  • PO Number: This is where you may enter in the Purchase Order number (If Applicable)
  • Default Pay Period: Select an option from the dropdown that applies to this Assignments pay period. Options include Monthly, 2 weeks (odd numbered weeks), 2 weeks (even numbered weeks), twice monthly (15th and 30th) and Weekly.
  • Overtime/Double Time Zone: Use the popup selector to the right to select the overtime/double time state. The rules for that state will automatically be applied to the Timesheet.
  • Begin Day: Select a day from the dropdown in which the contractor’s work week begins
  • Show Timeclock: Choose if the timeclock is displayed for entering clock in/out times, or if the Contractor will enter the total hours worked for each day.
  • Approver List: Select a person from the dropdown or type enter an email address in the box to have that person approve the Contractor’s Timesheets that are submitted (This person will receive the Approver Letter that was setup in the notifications section).
Expenses #

You will see the expense group that was added to your layout. Use the dropdown to apply an Expense Template to this Placement. Once you choose the Template you can modify it prior to saving.

Once this information has been entered click Place. The following changes will be applied to records in the database:

  1. The Status of the candidate will change to ‘On Assignment’ corresponding to the Begin Date field. It will be changed to ‘Contractor/Temp’ when it does not fall between the begin and end date fields.
  2. The Bill/Pay rate will update based off what was filled in at the placement screen.
  3. The Available field will show the date in which the contractor becomes available.
  4. The Company On Assignment field will show the Company in which the contractor position is held in the database.
  5. The Work History of the contractor will be updated with this new position.
  6. If you choose to mark the position as filled it will decrease the number of openings by one and if that number of opening drops to zero it will change the status of the position to Filled.

Note: If you were utilizing our previous Expense tracking and wish to switch your Contractors to the new Expenses, you will need to edit their Placement to assign them the new Expenses (The old ones will not carry over).

Contract Estimator #

The Contract Estimator allows user to easily calculate Estimated Weeks worked, Total Revenue, Total Cost and Total Profit for each Assignment created.

Note: You must use the Contract Estimator for Contract Placements to be recorded in the Analytics (Only available for Premium PCRecruiter Subscribers)

Add the Margin Calculator to your Layout #
  1. To begin using the Contract Estimator you must add the Margin Calculator to your Contract Placement Layout.
  2. Place a Candidate on Contract
  3. Select the Placements tab on the position
  4. Select Action followed by Edit
  5. In the bottom left corner of the Placement record, select the Customize Gear Icon
  6. Select Add Group
  7. Choose Shortcut (Displays Large Frame) followed by Done
  8. Locate the new (Select a Field Name) dropdown towards the bottom of your screen
  9. Use the dropdown to select Contract Estimator
  10. Drag the field to your desired location
  11. Save when finished
  12. Upon reloading the Placement or creating a new Contract you will see the Calculator
Using the Calculator #
  1. Access the position you wish to create a placement for and choose Placements
  2. Choose Add Contract/Temp Placement from the Action Toolbar
  3. Select the Candidate being placed on Contract
  4. Enter the appropriate Contract Placement Details including Bill Rates, Pay Rates, and Placement Fee
  5. Select Open Estimator Calculator
  6. You will notice the values have been automatically populated to the calculator from the Contract for the following fields
    1. Standard Bill Rate
    2. Over Time Bill Rate
    3. Double Time Bill Rate
    4. On Call Bill Rate
    5. Holiday Bill Rate
    6. Standard Pay Rate
    7. Over Time Pay Rate
    8. Double Time Pay Rate
    9. On Call Pay Rate
    10. Holiday Pay Rate
    11. Placement Fee
    12. Daily Per Diem
    13. Hourly Per Diem
  7. Use the Time Entry layout to manually enter the hours being estimated for. As an alternative option you can select Standard 40 Hour Preset from the bottom left corner.
  8. Choose if you would like to calculate Expenses or by Burden Rate
  9. View the Estimated Fields Preview. This area will show you the following:
    1. Estimated Weeks Worked: Hours Per Week and Days Worked
    2. Estimated Total Revenue: Standart Bill Rate x Hours Worked + Placement Fee
    3. Estimated Total Cost: Contractor Pay, Expenses, and Per Diem
    4. Estimated Total Profit: Profit Margin

After values are set select Update Values to transfer the data to the Placement