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Phone/Extension Handling

Below, you will find useful information regarding how PCRecruiter handles telephone/extension entry.

  • If you enter a phone number with parenthesis and a dash, such as (xxx)xxx-xxxx, it will be set as a US phone number.
  • If you enter a phone number beginning with a plus, such as +xxxxxxxxxx, it will be set as an international phone number beginning with the country code.
  • International numbers that begin with a recognized +CountryCode will be auto formatted, such as, “+521234567890” becomes “+52 123 456 7890” (52=Mexico).
  • A US phone number can be entered using the international format by prepending it with a “+1”, such as “+1 440 555 5555”
  • Extensions for US numbers use an “Ex.”, such as, “(440) 555-1212 Ex. 123”
  • Extensions for international phone numbers use an “x”, such as, “+52 123 456 7890 x123”
  • If you enter a raw phone number (i.e. without a +), it will either be converted to a US number or left as is. This decision is based on the phone format setting.