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Legacy Bulk Email

Bulk Emailing allows you to send a Form Letter to a Rollup list or a list of search results. The “Legacy” Bulk Email feature does not offer the full range of features offered by Email Campaigns.

The following steps will allow you to send a Name, Company, or Position Letter.

  1. Access a Name rollup list or a group of Name search results
  2. Select the desired names to send your letter to using the checkboxes or the ‘Select’ dropdown.
  3. Choose the Letter icon from the Action menu
  4. Choose Click to Select a Form Letter
  5. Choose Action > Select for the desired email
    • If you wish to send a Position Letter you must choose Attach POS first and select the Position you would like referenced.
  6. Choose which email field you would like to send to in Email Field
  7. If you are using multiple email aliases, you may select the appropriate one from the From dropdown.
  8. Edit your Email Subject if desired. It will auto populate with the name of the selected letter.
  9. Click the Email Category dropdown to select the bulk email category used for the Opt-Out list.
  10. Check to receive a Return Receipt if desired (not supported by all mail clients)
  11. Choose a Priority level if desired (not supported by all mail clients)
  12. The Options charm can be used to turn Resend Checking on/off. This option requires the ‘Write Activity When Bulk Emailing’ preference to be enabled.
  13. Use Attachments to add any additional documents to your email.
  14. Send