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Job Board Landing Pages

Once the job board has been completely configured and is ready for the public, it can be embedded into a website using a combination of iframe and javascript code. This custom script prevents jobseekers from experiencing scrollbars on the iframe, and also allows direct traffic to the job board links to be redirected back to the designated parent page on the website for consistent branding and navigation.

Using WordPress: #

  1. Log into WordPress with administrative permission and select “Add New” from the plugins menu.
  2. Search for and install the PCRecruiter Extensions plugin.
  3. Activate the plugin. You do not need to enable or fill out anything in the ‘Settings’ panel for standard use of the PCRecruiter Extensions plugin.
  4. Create/select a page on your website to act as the container for the PCRecruiter content. We recommend keeping the URL short – for example,
  5. In the new page you’ve created, enter the following Shortcode:
    [[PCRecruiter link="{your unique uid}"]]

    You will edit the link=”” to place your PCRecruiter UID between the quotes. The UID is usually a combination of the name of the database, followed by a period, and then the account ID (e.g. mydatabase.mycompany) and can be found at the end of all URLs under System > PCR Website Links.

NOT using WordPress: #

  1. Create/select a page on your website to act as the container for the PCRecruiter content. We recommend keeping the URL short – for example,
  2. Copy the following HTML code and paste it into the page where you want the PCRecruiter content to appear (the method for doing this will vary depending on the your website platform**). You will edit the host=”” to place your PCRecruiter Job Board URL between the quotes. For example, https://host.pcrecruiter/pcrbin/jobboard.aspx?uid=mydatabase.mycompany. Check with your PCRecruiter contact if you are not sure of your link.
<!-- START PCR -->
<script src=""></script>
<iframe frameborder="0" host="{your unique UID}" id="pcrframe" name="pcrframe" src="" style="height:640px;width:100%;background-color:#fff;border:0;margin:0; padding:0" onload="pcrframeurl();">
<!-- END PCR -->
  1. View your page. If you have implemented the code correctly, you should see the PCRecruiter content inside of your own page. The box should stretch vertically to accommodate the content as you navigate within the pages.

Set your Landing Pages #

At this point, your PCRecruiter links are styled and embedded in an iframe and will be available to anyone who visits the page on your website. However, if you were to visit a direct link to a specific page in the PCRecruiter content, such a job board or social network link to a particular job, you would see only the content of the frame and not the complete website. The “Landing Pages” in PCRecruiter allow the system to redirect the visitor back to the page on your website. Open the “Landing Pages” panel in the Job Board setup area and enter the following:

  1. In the “Secure Base URL” box, enter
  2. In the “Primary Landing Page” box, enter the URL of the page on your website where the PCRecruiter content appears. For example,
  3. The remaining boxes may be left empty.

IMPORTANT: If your website is updated such that the URL of the PCRecruiter Landing Page is no longer correct, this will affect traffic to your job board. Please be sure to update the Landing Pages area of PCRecruiter if your job board page should change URL.