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Job Board Details

Design #

This section controls the layout of the individual job pages. As with other panels, the ‘Template’ button in the toolbar inserts stock examples, and the Insert Fields button places the individual fields into the screen.

Special Items in the Insert Fields on this panel include:

  • Social_Share_Bar: This will insert a “Share This Position” button into the layout. Adjustments to placement and CSS are often necessary to make sure that the button is sized appropriately and that it doesn’t move to a strange location on smaller devices.
  • Position.Apply.Button: By default, the ‘Apply’ button is automatically added at the bottom of the page below all other elements. Inserting this item into the layout hides the default button and adds an Apply button at the insertion point. It’s also possible to insert more than one button – for example, one at the top and one at the bottom for sites with very long descriptions.

Apply Button #

When a jobseeker clicks ‘Apply’, the first screen they are presented with will be a selection of social networks to log in with. Logging in with a social network saves time in entering contact info and creates an OAUTH secure login key so that they may return with that social network in the future and avoid creating a duplicate record in the system.

This panel defines the social network options page. The ‘Template’ button includes a full-color and monochrome version of the social network screen. The social icons may be added, removed, styled, and rearranged as with any other screen layout. If this configuration panel is left entirely empty, the ‘Apply’ button will skip ahead directly to the apply/register form.

Login Screen #

This panel serves the same function as the ‘Apply Button’ panel above but controls the options available for returning users if the Log In option has been enabled. In many cases, the Login Screen and Apply Button screen will be identical, but the separate configurations allow different instructions or options on the two screens.

Schema #

This panel configures the Job Schema JSON data for the job detail page. This is primarily for the benefit of Google, which will recognize this data and include the jobs in their job search tool. Fields with red asterisks are required, while those with blue asterisks are ‘recommended’ by Google. The Reset Schema option in the Action menu at the upper right corner will pre-set the Title, Description, Date Posted, Identifier, City, Postal Code, and Country fields to the most common choices. We also recommend setting Employment Type and Region/State if possible. The ‘Hiring Organization > Name’ item is required. You may simply enter the name of your company into the box to the right or select Position Predefined: Company Name from the dropdown to allow Google to see the actual company name from the database. Note that configuring this panel is not a guarantee that Google will list the jobs, but it does guarantee that the job’s data will be in the proper format for their search spider if they index the page.

NOTE: The Resume First panel has been deprecated and will be phased out in upcoming versions.