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Custom Forms

Custom Forms allow for one-way submission of Name and Company data into the database via an embedded web form. This is useful for contact forms, simple resume submission forms, or employer/client entry forms.

Unlike the rest of the job board, the Custom Form is not embedded using an iframe, but rather a copy/paste JavaScript. This form will be displayed as part of the page it is placed in, rather than being pulled into a frame from the PCRecruiter server.

Click “Add” to create a new form. The following items are included in the panel:

  • Form Name: This is an identification for internal purposes only and will not be visible on the form itself.
  • Form Content: This area works just like the “Register” or “Apply” panels described above. Please note that inserting the COMPANY fields into this form will generate a new Company record and place the newly generated Name record under that company. If no Company fields are specified, the Name will be added to the database’s Default Company.
  • Allowed Domain: Enter the domain where this form will be used. Doing so prevents the form from being submitted via other domains and potentially introducing spam to the database.
  • Notification Emails: Any email address entered into this box, comma-separated, will receive an email containing all of the submitted values when the form is completed.
  • Autoplan: This dropdown allows for the triggering of an Automation Plan upon form completion.
  • Submission Message: This text is displayed on the page after successful submission of the form.
  • Submission Redirect URL: As an alternative to the Submission Message, the form can redirect to the specified link after submission.
  • Custom CSS / Custom JS: These panels are used for adding Cascading Stylesheet and JavaScript code to the form.
  • Load Bootstrap / LoadjQuery: It is best to avoid loading two separate versions of the Bootstrap framework and/or the jQuery library in the same web page, as this can cause code conflicts. If the web page where this form will be displayed already contains jQuery or Bootstrap, set the dropdown to “No.”

After completing the form and saving, the form is added to the list. Select “Edit” from the ‘Action’ dropdown and scroll to the bottom of the window. The resulting script will be displayed. Copy and paste this script into the web page where the form should appear. If you are using the PCRecruiter Extensions Plugin for WordPress, you can embed the form with a shortcode instead: [[PCRecruiter link=”{your UID value}” form=”{your form’s sid number}”]]