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Adding Appointments to the Schedule #

When adding an Activity to the Schedule, you have the ability to schedule an appointment, schedule recurring appointments, link to records or Rollups, set an alarm, or request a meeting.

  1. Click Schedule from the Main Toolbar.
  2. Click on desired date.
  3. In the bottom frame, click the Add action button in the action menu (plus sign icon).
  4. Click inside the Begin Date and End Date fields to choose dates from a Calendar.
  5. Edit the Begin Time and End Time (choose “All Day Appointment” if desired).
  6. Enter a Subject for the appointment.
  7. Enter Notes.
  8. Select an Event Type.
  9. Click the Repeat charm on the left to select Repeat options (once, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly).
  10. Click the Alarms charm on the left to add an alarm if desired.
  1. Click the Links charm on the left. Select the Act Type on the dropdown menu.
  2. Select the type of record or Rollup (Company, Name or Position) in the Link to Record dropdown.
  3. Click the arrow button to the right of the Record Selected dropdown and perform a search for the record/rollup. Once the record/rollup is selected, the name displays in the Record Selected field.

To scheduling a meeting #

  1. Click the Meeting charm on the left. Click on the arrow button to right of the Meeting Attendees field. This will open a window in which you can select attendees from your database. If you don’t have an Address Book created, use the Search tab to search for any name record in your database. The selected individuals will receive an email in which they can reply “Accept”, “Decline”, or “Tentative” to your invitation. The Subject entered will be the subject of the email, and Notes will become the body of the email.
  2. You can also specify the Meeting Location.
  3. Click Add.

Editing an appointment on the schedule #

  1. Open the schedule and go to the day on which the appointment has been placed.
  2. Find the appointment in the day’s list of appointments and click the “chat bubble” icon to view a menu of options.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Edit Date, Time, Subject, Notes, Repetitions, Activity Type, Meeting Information, Alarm, or Event Type Color.
  5. Click Save.

**Please note that if you edit an Appointment that included attendees, each attendee is automatically sent an email with new meeting information.

To move a single appointment #

Items on the enhanced daily schedule are draggable. Use the ‘grip strip’ at the top of any colored box in your Schedule to click and move the item.

  1. Open the schedule and go to the day on which the appointment has been placed.
  2. Find the appointment in the day’s list of appointments and click the “chat bubble” icon to view a menu of options.
  3. Click Move Item.
  4. Edit Date, Begin Time, or End Time.
  5. Click Move.

To Search the Schedule #

  1. Open the schedule.
  2. Click the Search tab in the navigation menu at the top left of the Schedule.
  3. Edit the Begin Date and End Date as necessary.
  4. Enter the Search Criteria text (i.e. enter a candidate’s last name).
  5. Click the Run Search action button in the action menu (magnifying glass icon).
  6. The search results will display by date.

To delete an appointment #

  1. Open the schedule.
  2. In the bottom frame, checkmark the appointment.
  3. Click the Delete action button in the action menu (trash can icon).

To print the schedule #

  1. Open the schedule.
  2. In the bottom frame, checkmark the appointment.
  3. Click the Print action button in the action menu (printer icon).

Attempting and Completing Appointments #

  1. Open the schedule and go to the day on which the appointment has been placed.
  2. Find the appointment in the day’s list of appointments and click the ‘chat bubble’ icon to view a menu of options.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Attempt if the item was attempted. An empty circle icon will be added to the appointment as a visual indicator that the appointment has been attempted.
    • Click Complete if the item was completed. A filled circle icon will be added to the appointment as a visual indicator that the appointment has been completed.
    • Click Reopen if the item was marked attempted or completed and you want to remove this status. The circle icon will be removed.
  4. If the item is linked to a record, double click to expand the appointment, then click the New Activity link to add a new activity to the record.