As of August 2024, LinkedIn no longer lists staffing or search jobs found in Basic Jobs feeds from ATS systems. Only job openings posted by the direct employer, not a recruiting or staffing agency, are eligible for free exposure on LinkedIn.
Recruiting and staffing companies may only post to LinkedIn Job Slots and should not expect visibility for postings put into the Basic Jobs feed. Contact your PCR representative for an XML feed to use with LinkedIn Job Wrapping.
About LinkedIn Basic Jobs #
LinkedIn aggregates direct-hire requisitions from across the web and hosts them as Basic Jobs. Basic Jobs are only discoverable through LinkedIn search, but may be eligible for further promotion if desired.
By including your jobs in PCRecruiter’s LinkedIn job feed*, you ensure that LinkedIn’s aggregator is able to find them. LinkedIn looks for new jobs every 6 hours.
LinkedIn does not guarantee that they will display jobs found in this feed, but it should improve the chances of internal employment opportunities getting exposure compared to allowing LinkedIn to find these jobs organically.
* A ‘job feed’ is an XML file that contains a list of date-stamped job content formatted specifically for another system to periodically read.
The LinkedIn feed from PCRecruiter will expose the following standard field data to LinkedIn’s aggregator:
- Title
- Company*
- City
- State
- Country: If the Country is incomplete on the position, the default country set on the LinkedIn config will be used.
- Postal Code
- Job Description: The text of the Job Description on the job record.
- Apply URL: The link to this position on your PCRecruiter Job Board.
* This should be the company that is hiring the employee. If the company listed is a search or staffing company, LinkedIn will ignore the listing.
In addition to the above, LinkedIn also requires these fields, which are selected on a per-job basis when posting a position:
- Experience Level
- Job Function
- Industry Code
Configuration #
Before any users can add jobs to the feed, an administrator-level user must first enable and configure the channel. This only needs to be done once to enable the channel for the entire database.
- Open SYSTEM from the main PCRecruiter menu.
- Using the Search box at the top of the menu, locate and open the Configure Job Channels panel. The ‘Configure Job Channels’ window is split into ‘Standard Job Boards’, which allow the direct uploading of your jobs to your own account on a third party site, and ‘Job Feeds’, which aggregate the jobs opted in by multiple companies across the entire PCRecruiter hosting service so that job posting sites like Facebook can collect them from a central location.
- Click on the large ‘+’ (plus) under the Job Feeds section to begin activating a new channel.
- Click on the ‘LinkedIn’ option.
- Click ‘Done’ to add the selected options.
- Click the red ‘gear’ icon on your un-configured channels.
- In the configuration window, you will choose the default values for your postings to this channel. These elements help LinkedIn to associate your jobs with your company’s LinkedIn presence:
- Default Feed Organization Name: This is the public company name used on the postings.
- Default Country: A default country must be supplied here so that jobs can appear on LinkedIn even if the user has only completed the City and State fields on the individual posting.
- LinkedIn Company ID: To make sure that LinkedIn associates your positions with your company, enter your company ID. See this link for details on finding your company ID.
- Click ‘Save’ to lock in your default values.
- Once you have completed all configurations and see no more red configuration gear icons, click ‘Save’ to activate the configured channels.
Posting a Job #
Once you have configured the LinkedIn job channel, you can begin to add your open positions to the channel.
- Open any public position in your database. Your job must be set to Available/Open Status, ‘Show on Web’ must be set to Show, and the Number of Openings field cannot be 0. These are the same values that govern whether a job appears in your PCRecruiter Job Board. If the job is visible in your job board then it can be posted to LinkedIn.
- Choose ‘Post Job’ from the action menu at the upper right corner of the position record.
- Check / Uncheck the channels that you wish to post the job to (in this case, leave LinkedIn checked).
- Click ‘Next’
- Fill in the fields accordingly. Any items with an asterisk are required by LinkedIn.
- Click ‘POST’ to queue this job for the LinkedIn feed. LinkedIn checks the feed every 12 hours. LinkedIn does not guarantee that they will display jobs found in this feed, but it will greatly increase your chances.
Further Information #
- Jobs from recruiting, staffing, and search agencies found in this feed will be ignored by LinkedIn.
- You may re-open the same panel later on and use the ‘Remove’ option to take a job out of the feed and off of the LinkedIn site. Job removals occur within the same general timeframe as postings. Jobs will automatically be removed if they no longer meet the publishing criteria outlined above (Status = A, Web = Show, # Openings > 0)
- You may return to the same ‘Post Job’ window to view the date and time when the job was posted. NOTE: This timestamp indicates when the user clicked ‘post’ to queue the job for PCRecruiter’s aggregated job feed, but does not indicate when or if the job became public on LinkedIn. The PCRecruiter feed updates hourly and LinkedIn checks the feed daily, so there may be a significant difference of between the date given in this window and the actual appearance of the job on LinkedIn.
- The EEO Source field will be set to LinkedIn for the applicant and, if the candidate is new to the database, a ‘Referrer’ custom field will be created for their record with the value set to ‘LinkedIn’ as well.
- Posts submitted to the PCRecruiter LinkedIn feed will not replace or affect any paid job slots in your account.
- If you are using a LinkedIn account or product that automates job posting to your company LinkedIn page, this may block Basic Jobs. If you post jobs to the PCRecruiter feed and do not see them appearing on LinkedIn within a day or two, you may want to contact your representative at LinkedIn to ask if this applies to you and give permission to un-block the listings from PCRecruiter’s feed.
- Posting a job is a one-way upload from your database into PCRecruiter’s master feed. Any changes made to the position after posting will not be reflected in the feed unless the job is re-posted.
- Job postings are limited to an average of 300 per day, calculated over 7 days.