View Categories

View Activities

Once you have created an activity within PCR you can view it two different ways, by viewing the record it is tied to, or by conducting an activity search of your database.

Record #

  1. Access the name, company, or position record
  2. On the navigation toolbar select the activities option
  3. This will show all activities for this record in list format
  4. You can filter your results using the dropdown options at the top of the date/time, activity type, and user name columns
  5. You can configure your default activity filters by choosing the default filters button from the action icons

To search the database for activities #

Select Activities from the main toolbar and the adjust your search criteria:

  1. Search Params
    1. Date that you would like to search
    2. Records to be displayed per page
    3. The order you would like them to appear grouped by
    4. Text you would like the activity to contain
  2. Filters
    1. Name
    2. Username
    3. Company name
    4. Activity type
    5. Rollup list
    6. Position id
    7. Exclude activity types
  3. Enter the proper search criteria and then select Search from the action toolbar on the top right.