Blind a Resume (Remove Contact Info)

Blinding a resume in PCRecruiter is an excellent method for maintaining an alternative, confidential copy of a candidate’s resume. This process involves removing the candidate’s contact information. Additionally, please note that if a blinded resume is found on a record, it will be the default choice when sending an email.

Here are the steps:

  1. Access the candidate’s name record.
  2. Navigate to the Resume icon on the toolbar.
  3. Select the Blinded option from the menu located on the left side of the screen.
  4. You will be presented with three blinding options:
    • Upload New Document – Choose this option if you have an existing blinded copy saved on your computer. Select the file you wish to use as the blinded resume.
    • Blind Current Resume – This option opens the current file in Resume resume in your default word processing software for editing. Edit the resume as necessary then save, which uploads your changes to the server.
    • Paste HTML Document – This choice allows you to paste an HTML document, serving as the blinded resume. Save your document and close the window.
  5. Click into the Blinded area which is now shaded as “Click to Reload Document.” Your blinded version is now ready for use.