View Categories


This navigation page displays other records in your database this record is associated with in some way.

Associations are commonly used to: #

  • Document Headquarter / Subsidiary Relationships
  • Document Relatives
  • Document Referrals

Please note this feature is informative only. You cannot search for associations or run reports based on them.

Adding Associations #

  1. Open any Name, Company or Position Record
  2. Click Associations from the Navigation toolbar
  3. Click Add from the action menu
  4. Select the Record Type for the associated record
  5. Enter a Source Description or select one from the pop out menu, this is the type of relationship between the records
  6. Enter a Target Description if desired
  7. Set a Begin Date, todays date will be used by default
  8. Set a End Date if desired
  9. Click the pop out menu for Select Record to search and select the desired record to be associated
  10. Add any additional Notes
  11. Click Done to save

The gear icon on the bottom left of the New Association window allows you to create custom descriptions that will appear in the pop out menu.